Oliver and Mr Brownlow lived together at Mr Brownlow's house. They had a very good relationship and Mr Brownlow treated him politely and Oliver was having a good time. Mr Brownlow could trust Oliver and he proved it by giving him some money and books to return to the bookshop.
Mr Brownlow's friend told him that Oliver would take the money and never come back. However, Bill and Nancy planned to take him back because they were afraid that Oliver would tell about the gang to the police. So when they saw him ,on the way to the bookshop, Nancy caught him by pretending to be his sister. They took him back to Fagin's house.
Days passed and Oliver lived in Fagin's house. Bill and his friend were planning to burgle Mr Brownlow's house and put Oliver into the house from the window in order to unlock the door for them. In spite of the fact that they were threatening him that they would kill him if he shouted, Oliver shouted 'Help! Help!'. Mr Brownlow woke up and tried to help Oliver, but his effort was pointless. Bill shot Oliver to his arm and took him back to Fagin's house.
Fagin looked after Oliver's wound and locked him into a room. Unfortunately Bill was planning to kill him; Fagin, in contrast, didn't want to. To his surprise Nancy was there and heard Bill's plan. She went to Mr Brownlow's house to tell it to him but he wasn't there and she relied on his servant. She told her that she would wait for him at the bridge at midnight and if she wasn't be there, Mr brownlow should come every midnight until she came.
In the evening Nancy was ready to meet Mr Brownlow but Bill didn't let her go out. The next day Nancy met him and told him about Oliver but she was watched by Dodger. Dodger told thet event to Bill and Bill the same evening killed her. After thet everyone hated Bill. What is more Mr Brownlow called the police and they made leaflets which showed Bill and they also mentioned his dog. Bill saw it and tried to kill his dog but it escaped.
The dog went to a pub and his barking told them to follow it. The dog took them to the house where all the thieves were. The people and the police surrounded the building . With no choices Bill took Oliver and threatened the police that he would kill him if they shot him. While they were trying to pass to the opposite building with a rope, Bill got hanged.
After all these Mr brownlow adopted Oliver and Fagin was convicted to death by hanging. One day before the police hanged him Oliver met Fagin in prison. Oliver was surprised by Fagin's gesture of giving him his jewellery!